Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Wokeness In Gaming Is Being PURGED

Damn, if I'd known this exists I would've asked them for money for a bisexual turtle breeding farm or something.

Didn't "Gamergate" start because two female game devs were caught selling sexual favors to five game journalists in exchange for good reviews? I remember the "Five Guys" jokes.

"It's just video games." Look lady, we weren't the ones calling the FUCKING UNITED NATIONS to do something about games you don't even play! Jesus Effing Christ

The people that are scared, are only scared because they remember how they treated people when their political party was in power. It is projection. They know how they treated people was wrong and now they are begging for mercy. Pathetic.

Monday, February 10, 2025

John Konrad explains Perception Warfare

He is not only overloading them, he is simultaneously defunding their taxpayer funded welfare. It is a beautiful thing.

The demons are running around in a panic trying to figure out why their spells don't work anymore.

I always wondered why 15 news outlets could have exactly the same headline. The insights here are incredible.

“The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Thursday, February 6, 2025

George Yeo at Cambridge Union

An enviable deep thinker for peace and clarity and knowledge. Thanks for sharing, Cambridge and Mr Yeo.

I observed mostly asians in the audience and very few westerners. The westerners are the ones who most need to hear what George has to say. George is one of very few scholars and think tanks in the world today who understand China and has tremendous insights into China. I congratulate the few westerners who were present at the event, and feel sorry for all those westerners who had the opportunity but missed this event at Cambridge.

Brilliant reference to Sun Tzu about the use of violence and force being low class. Conversely, the soft power of trade, knowledge, and culture being high class

CUMSA (Cambridge University Malaysia & Singapore Association), CUSEAS (Cambridge University South East Asian Society) and the Cambridge Union Society are proud to be hosting former Minister Mr George Yeo. George joined us in a dialogue as part of the launch event for his latest book, 'George Yeo: Selected Musings Series 3'. A Q&A followed after his public address & discussion about his experiences.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Landman: Wind turbines scene

Billionaire pedophiles want to ban my truck, but don't want to ban AI and private jets. That's all I need to know

“Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.” ― Frank Herbert, Dune (1965)

Germany is dismantling wind mills to mine coal, but it's even funnier than that. It is brown coal, known as lignite. It is the most carbon producing coal.

In the midwest, we're still paying for the failure of renewables used in Texas several years ago. It's a surcharge on our bills. We are living in the hunger games.

Looking up at huge wind turbines, attorney Rebecca Falcone, who fancies herself an environmentalist, said “Please, Mr. Oilman, tell me how the wind is bad for the environment?”

To which, Tommy responded, "Do you have any idea how much diesel will have to burn to mix that much concrete or make that steel and haul this shit out here and put it together with a 450-foot crane? You want to guess how much oil it takes to lubricate that fucking thing? Or winterize it? In its 20-year lifespan, it won’t offset the carbon footprint of making it. And don’t get me started on solar panels and the lithium in your Tesla battery. If Exxon really thought those things were the future, they would be putting them all over the goddamn place,” he added.

Next, Tommy meets with Rebecca to prepare her to negotiate an oil drilling deal known as a farm-out. After Tommy explains what fracking involves, she vents her opposition to the project.

“You understand, I don’t think anyone should be doing this, all right. I think fracking should be illegal. I just have a very hard time advocating for something I believe is wrong.”

He replies, “Says the lawyer. Good and bad don’t factor into this. Our great-grandparents built a world that runs on petroleum. And until it runs on something else, we gotta feed it or the world stops.”

After Tommy gets in his truck, he rolls down the passenger window and yells to her, "Hey, there is an alternative. You can throw your phone away and trade in your Mercedes for a bicycle or a horse and start hunting for your own food and live in a tent. But, you’ll be the only one and it won’t make a damn bit of difference. Plus, I hear the moral high ground gets real windy at night."

Thursday, January 23, 2025

All the best from Farum Azula

12:34 Whoa.. just killed fire giant and homegirl burned the erdtree wtf
12:34 She teleported me to tornado dragon castle lol
12:34 Shiz looks wild it's like Final Fantasy HD

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Dear Elon by Sam Hyde

Sure, he's trans, and sure he's Jewish, but this African American has a point.

I can't believe Elon watched this over 700,000 times.

Remember kids human beings are interchangeable economic units




Jeffrey Sachs at Cambridge Union

In the wonderful words of President John F. Kennedy and his speechwriter Theodore Sorensen, in his 1961 inaugural address; "Our times are very different, for we hold in our mortal hands the ability to end all forms of human poverty, and all forms of human life." And today, 63 years later, this remains our most significant issue.