This is the single most important interview of our time.
This woman is an angel, and so is her brother.
Tucker, I know you have done many pieces of journalism for which I am grateful, but I honestly believe this is the most important work you have ever done. Thank you.
Kat Williams said it. 2024 is the year of truth.
For the record, the Calley and Casey Means are not suicidal.
"The problem isn't that Johnny can't read. The problem isn't even that Johnny can't think. The problem is that Johnny doesn't know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling." - Thomas Sowell
“As a kid nowadays, you’re getting spawn camped pretty hard” real shit
All jokes aside the fact that having critical thinking skills is becoming the exception instead of the norm is terrifying
Spiritual Wickedness In High Places - Ephesians 6:12
Let us all pray protection over all of these brave people putting so much on the line to get out the truth. This whistleblower, Candace, Trump, RFK, Tulsi, etc etc. Fascinating interview!
In this groundbreaking book, Kevin Shipp, a veteran CIA agent who worked with all four Directorates of the agency, including protecting the head of the CIA, provides his perspective on how the agency has strayed so far from its original mission to provide accurate intelligence to the American president.
You will learn about the founding of the Agency, how the intelligence agencies have manipulated journalists through Project Mockingbird, as well as their new efforts with the Center for Global Engagement and Big Tech interference. Shipp will also give you his up close and personal assessment of how the directors of the agency have contributed to our safety or undermined it. Shipp and Heckenlively detail how the CIA has blocked whistleblowers and the reforms they champion, while also controlling our country through secret alliances with large corporations, Wall Street, Big Media, the drug trade, and blackmail of our political leaders.
Shipp provides his own history with the Agency, both the good and bad, including the Agency’s attempt to ruin his career and life when he turned whistleblower. Perhaps most striking of all, Shipp lays out his plan for a dramatic overhaul of the Agency, likely to win wide approval from other sectors of the intelligence community, restoring the freedom of our country, while also keeping us safe from our adversaries.
This man is not suicidal at all. Remember that.
Companies selling their toxic sludge and then selling the meds that don't fix the problem.
Chronic illnesses including autism, allergies and asthma are at an all-time high, affecting 1 in 6 children across the US. Research may never uncover definitive causes, but an abundance of information about associated risks does exist. Many of these risks are controllable or modifiable and therefore require awareness by the general public in order to minimize.
Ronald Piana: Hydrogen peroxide is a well-established apoptosis-inducer with broad cytotoxic activity in a range of cell types. Other H2O2 cytotoxic pathways have been identified, such as lysosomal membrane permeabilization (LMP). In LMP, the lysosome (described as a “suicide bag”) is compromised by H2O2-driven oxidative stress, during which large amounts of H2O2 enter the lysosomal compartment, forming abundant hydroxyl radicals, or highly reactive iron-centered radicals, which leads to degradation of cellular structures and, ultimately, cell death. Yet another intriguing explanation considers the Warburg effect, wherein transformed cells, such as those in cutaneous malignancies, undergo a shift from oxidative to glycolytic metabolism, rendering cells more susceptible to H2O2-induced oxidative stress. H2O2 has other cytotoxic pathways, yet, in short, this potent agent kills cancer cells by inducing oxidative stress.
Ronald Piana: Mundi’s study is the first in the literature to evaluate high-concentrate H2O2 as a topical treatment for cervicofacial cutaneous malignancies. The results have broad health implications for the millions of Americans diagnosed each year with skin cancers, and further indicate that topical H2O2 treatment could be a valuable clinical option for a variety of healthcare professionals including surgeons, dermatologists, and primary care physicians. Therefore, I hold that prior investigative work coupled with findings from Mundi, et al., should be viewed as proof-of-concept in safety and efficacy leading to larger scale evaluation and recognition of topical H2O2 as a treatment option for select carcinomas and, equally important, opening the investigative door into other exciting clinical opportunities.
My concern is that further serious investigation of this cheap and readily available agent, for various reasons beyond the scope of this post, will be ignored or rebuffed by the research and medical communities. To that end, I encourage others in the healthcare community not to let this valuable clinical opportunity pass.
In the joy and pain of this mortal life, you will find most choices fall between love and addiction. Both will cost you your soul, but only one requires you to set ego aside and do real work on improving outcomes. Namasteeznuts.