Sunday, July 22, 2018

Fabiolous Escape 2 by Fabio Wibmer

I am not complaining, I just don’t find this to be good writing. If you write about your experience that’s one thing, I understand that. But if you write a piece addressing social problems and it’s a laundry list of complaints and you attack people that actually accomplished something for "selling out", which by the way is super abstract, what classifies selling out?

Does purchasing a pair of jeans from a major outlet that abuses workers considered selling out? Is it the same level of selling out as lobbying for the construction of a pipeline through indigenous lands? Then prepare to hear that your writing is fallacious. There are are so many logical fallacies within this article. It's purely emotional, and I get it. I understand there are problems, and it’s also very important to vocalize that these issues exist. But when you do, please also give something in return other than a laundry list of complaints, contribute somehow to benefit the greater whole. Otherwise this is just poetry, and yes there is still a place for poetry. Poetry is beautiful, it can open up emotions and show us a different dimension to our existence. But it cannot substitute for meaningful conversation to move society forward.

What have you contributed? What do you have to offer? These are questions we need to ask ourselves, not how we can make people uncomfortable. Leeches and parasites make people uncomfortable too. – Neil Aleksandrov