Friday, June 22, 2018


redpillcad • 63 points

Most folks are scared to death of the idea that they may die alone. As if a lifetime of slavery and putting others needs first and never accomplishing anything one wanted to really do is worth it so the room can be crowded when one passes. Maybe I'll die alone in a home due to some fluid in my lungs but I studied what interested me, have a successful career in my chosen field, fucked a lot of hot bitches, am ripped to shreds and am raising powerful kids to conquer the world and do whatever they want. I hope I don't die tonight but if I did I have no regrets.

NikolaGeorgiev • 7 points

Truth is, everybody (except mass suicide) dies alone.

redpillcad • 7 points

But they all don't die afraid and full of regret

halfback910 • 1 point

Yes, they die full of delicious Kool-Aid.